This roasting technique is based on Judy Rodgers’ salted chicken. The roast chicken served at her restaurant, Zuni Cafe, has enraptured anyone lucky enough to taste it. Three simple ingredients: small birds, salt and high heat. Done. Allow at least 2 days for the salt to work its magic on the chickens. Buy the best that you can; small, organic and air chilled will give you the best results. And why roast just one when 2 feeds a crowd so much better? I figure that if the oven is going to be that high, then twice as much magic should emerge from it. The other wonderful thing about this roasting technique; the birds are cooked in under an hour! (If you’re feeling particularly naughty, use the schmaltz in the pan to cook your potatoes in whilst the cooked birds are resting!). As my friend, Bea Goldman, always tells me, ‘A chicken in the fridge is like money in the bank’.

Best Ever Roast Chicken
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
This roasting technique is based on Judy Rodgers' salted chicken. The roast chicken served at her restaurant, Zuni Cafe, has enraptured anyone lucky enough to taste it. Three simple ingredients: small birds, salt and high heat. Done. Allow at least 2 days for the salt to work its magic on the chickens. Buy the best that you can; small, organic and air chilled will give you the best results. And why roast just one when 2 feeds a crowd so much better? I figure that if the oven is going to be that high, then twice as much magic should emerge from it. The other wonderful thing about this roasting technique; the birds are cooked in under an hour! (If you're feeling particularly naughty, use the schmaltz in the pan to cook your potatoes in whilst the cooked birds are resting!). As my friend, Bea Goldman, always tells me, 'A chicken in the fridge is like money in the bank'.
Recipe type: Dinner
Cuisine: Western
Serves: serves 4+
  • 2 x fresh, organic, air-chilled chickens (preferably 3.5 lb each, definitely under 4 lb)
  • 2-3 tbsp kosher salt
  • fresh herbs (sage, rosemary, parsley, basil, oregano, thyme)
  1. Wash and clean the chickens. Pat them very dry with paper towels, inside and out.
  2. Sprinkle salt all over with chickens, including a little in the cavity.
  3. Place chickens in a dish and cover. Let them sit in the fridge for 48 hours.
  4. Remove the chickens from the fridge an hour before roasting to allow them to warm up to room temperature.
  5. Pre-Heat oven to 475 f / 245c.
  6. Pat the chickens completely dry, inside and out.
  7. Use your finger to carefully make a pocket between the skin and flesh either side of the breast bone. Place 1 leaf or small sprig of whatever herbs you are using in each pocket and a sprig of rosemary in the cavity.
  8. Place 2 small roasting pans (not glass or ceramic) on the stove top and allow them to heat over a medium flame. When they are quite hot, place one chicken in each pan. Try to use two pans which will fit each chicken snugly. They should sizzle; be careful; the pans will be very hot!
  9. Carefully place each pan in the oven.
  10. Bake 20 mins, turn the chickens breast-side down and bake another 20 mins.
  11. Turn the chickens breast side up to finish roasting. If they were completely dry and the pans were hot enough, the skin will not stick and they will be easy to turn over.
  12. Bake another 10 -20 mins. The chickens should reach an internal temperature of 165f / 75c.
  13. Remove from heat and cover with foil. allow to rest for at least 10 mins before serving.
  14. Whilst the chickens have been roasting, peel, slice and par-boil some good roasting potatoes. Toss them in the chicken juices and fat and bake for about 20-30 minutes until crispy and brown.


best ever roast chicken

best ever roast chicken

potatoes roasted in schmaltz

potatoes roasted in schmaltz